Copyright Compliance Policy and DMCA Procedures

At, our steadfast commitment is to expeditiously respond to credible notices of alleged copyright infringement, meticulously adhering to the provisions set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Every user traversing is expected to navigate the landscape of applicable copyright laws diligently. Upon receiving a valid copyright infringement notice, our response is swift, entailing the removal or disabling of access to the content in question.

Our commitment to due process extends to notifying the content creator in the event of such actions, presenting them with the opportunity to submit a counter notification as outlined in DMCA Sections 512(g)(2) and (3). Furthermore, we meticulously document instances of alleged infringement and our responses, ensuring transparency in our compliance efforts.

Reporting Copyright Infringement: Filing a DMCA Notice

To report copyright infringement on, the initiation of the process involves submitting a written communication. This can be accomplished through email, of contact page, and the communication must include the specific details listed below.

As the notifier, it is crucial to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, given that any material misrepresentation of copyright ownership may result in liability for damages. For those uncertain about their copyright standing, consulting with legal professionals is encouraged.

Counter Notification Process provides a robust process for alleged infringers to submit a counter notification, adhering to the stipulations in DMCA Sections 512(g)(2) and (3). This involves a written communication sent via regular mail, containing the requisite details listed below.

The accuracy of the counter notification is paramount, as the provider may be held liable for damages if there is a material misrepresentation that the content or activity does not infringe the copyrights of others. We encourage those uncertain about the status of the material to seek legal counsel before proceeding.

Upon the reception of a valid counter notification, undertakes to promptly provide a copy to the original notifier. The removed material is then reinstated within a timeframe of 10 to 14 business days, unless legal action has been initiated by the notifier.