These Terms of Service govern the use of websites, applications, and services provided by Invictadux.

Please carefully read these Terms of Service ("Terms") before accessing or using (the "Website"). These Terms cover all Pulltrox sites, associated content, and services, including emails, feeds and videos.

By accessing or using the Website, you agree to abide by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to these terms, please discontinue your use of the Website.

Content Ownership

All articles on are original works protected by copyrights and other proprietary rights. They are the intellectual property of does not claim credit for images/photos on the site unless otherwise noted. Links to other websites, services, or resources on the Internet are beyond Pulltrox's control, and Pulltrox is not responsible for their content or accuracy.

Accuracy Disclaimer

The Website provides editorial content related to film, television, and related topics. Information may contain errors or inaccuracies, and the Website does not warrant the correctness or reliability of its content. Users acknowledge the possibility of inaccuracies and errors and agree that Pulltrox is not liable for such discrepancies.

Use of Content

Pulltrox is intended for personal, non-commercial use. Users below the age of consent must have a parent or legal guardian read and accept the Terms on their behalf.

Pulltrox allows non-commercial reproduction of its original content with mandatory credit to, including a link to the website and displayed logo. However, users may not suggest Pulltrox's endorsement of their use of the work. Other forms of reproduction, modification, or use are strictly prohibited.

Print Permissions

Screenshot reproduction in print is allowed if the URL, website name, and logo are fully visible. Reproduction in print is also permitted with proper references to Pulltrox, including the website name, URL, and logo. However, images from the Website may not be used in print.

Terms of Use

Pulltrox provides content "as is," and users agree that Pulltrox is not liable for their use of the information, content, feeds, etc. Complaints regarding displayed content or images are the user's responsibility.

Pulltrox disclaims any connection with celebrities, brands, or items mentioned on the Website. Information about net worth, item value, etc., is approximate and may not be accurate. Users agree that Pulltrox is not liable for incorrect information or inaccuracies.

Affiliate Links

The Website may post affiliate links to third-party websites, and users are notified of such links. Pulltrox is not liable for any restrictions, denial of service, or actions by third-party websites related to affiliate links.

Prohibited Actions

Users shall not decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or attempt to derive any source code of the Website. Actions imposing an unreasonable load on Pulltrox's infrastructure or violating access restrictions are strictly prohibited.

Changes to Terms

Pulltrox reserves the right to modify these Terms of Service. Non-material changes take immediate effect, while material changes take effect 30 days after posting. Continued use of the Website signifies acceptance of modified Terms.

Privacy and Confidentiality

User-provided information is used exclusively for service provision. However, Pulltrox cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information submitted online. Users accept responsibility for disclosed confidential information and acknowledge Pulltrox's cooperation with law enforcement.


The Website may cover various topics, including medical, health, legal, tax, or financial issues. Users should not rely on the service for individual advice and must consult qualified professionals. Users assume sole responsibility for evaluating the content's merits and risks.

The content is not intended to constitute professional advice or recommend financial instruments. Pulltrox and its licensors disclaim any liability or loss associated with the content obtained through the service.

Limitation on Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Pulltrox will not be liable for indirect, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages arising from user use or inability to use the Website. Damages incurred are not irreparable, and users cannot seek injunction or equitable relief.


These Terms of Service and referenced documents constitute the entire agreement between the Website and users. The Website's failure to enforce any provision does not waive that provision. If any Terms are deemed void or invalid, it does not affect the remaining provisions.

Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws applicable in the user's jurisdiction. Disputes will be exclusively submitted to the Courts of competent jurisdiction.

Users are responsible for compliance with applicable laws, and these Terms are drawn up in English as per the parties agreement.