We prioritize your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding it during your online interactions with our site. The following outlines our practices regarding information gathering and distribution on this website.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on January 15, 2024.


Pulltrox (the "Website") is owned and operated by Invictadux.

Collection of Personal Data

During your visit to our Website, we collect specific information related to your device, including your IP address, visited pages, referral source, and access time. No data is collected without your explicit consent.

We do not gather any other form of personal data. For users accessing our site through social media accounts, refer to the respective social media provider's privacy policy for their data collection practices.

Accessing, Amending, and Deleting Your Data

You have the right to request information, corrections, and deletions of your personal data. For inquiries or requests regarding your information, contact us at Contact page.

Log Files

Like standard web servers, we use log files containing IP addresses, browser type, ISP, referring/exit pages, platform type, and date/timestamp. These logs aid in trend analysis, site administration, and demographic information gathering.


Cookies, pieces of data tied to user information, are used on our Website by us and our business partners for security, analytics, and targeted advertising.


Third-party advertising companies serve ads on our site, using information about your visits for personalized advertising. Review our advertisers' privacy policies for more details.

Advertisers may use cookies to collect usage and demographic data for targeted advertising. We ensure our advertising partners comply with data privacy laws and recommended security practices.

This site contains links to external sites, and we are not responsible for their privacy practices. Users are urged to read the privacy statements of each website collecting personally identifiable information.

Purpose of Data Collection

We use collected information for website administration, user experience improvement, analytics, security, and targeted advertising.

Data Shared with Third Parties

We do not sell or rent personal data to third parties. However, partners, including ad partners, may collect data with explicit user consent.

Consent under Applicable Laws

In the EEA, a consent window will appear. If clicked "yes," consent is stored for 12 months, processed per this policy. Withdrawal of consent may limit access to certain services.

Compliance with IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework is ensured.

Data Security

Our servers comply with ISO 27018 for cloud-based personal data protection. All reasonable precautions are taken to ensure data safety.

In case of any security breach, we will notify affected users as required by law.


This Website does not target individuals below 16 years. By visiting, users warrant being 16 or older or visiting under parental supervision.

Legal Disclaimer

While preserving user privacy, we may disclose personal information when legally obligated.

Notification of Changes

Privacy policy changes will be posted on this page and other relevant places to keep users informed.