GreedFall 2: The Dying World - Prequel Story and Constantin's Potential Role

GreedFall 2: The Dying World - Prequel Story and Constantin's Potential Role

2019's GreedFall garnered praise as a spiritual successor to the beloved BioWare style of open-world Western RPGs. French developer Spiders struck a chord with fans seeking experiences akin to titles like Dragon Age. GreedFall's blend of an Age of Exploration setting with fantasy elements and rich character development made it a standout title. Following its success, GreedFall 2: The Dying World was announced in 2022, generating significant anticipation as one of the year's most awaited RPG titles.

However, The Dying World presents a twist as it will serve as a prequel rather than a direct sequel to the original game. Spiders revealed that GreedFall 2's main storyline unfolds about three years prior to the events of its predecessor. Consequently, many key characters and narrative setups are expected to have intimate connections to it. There's speculation that the protagonist of the first game, De Sardet, might make an appearance in The Dying World, alongside closely linked figures like Constantin d'Orsay.

GreedFall 2: Expanding the Character Roster

Exploring De Sardet and Constantin

In GreedFall, players assumed the role of De Sardet, embarking on an adventure commissioned by the Congregation of Merchants, of which De Sardet is a prominent member. Accompanying them is their royal cousin, Constantin, recently appointed as governor of a burgeoning settlement on the newly discovered island of Teer Fradee. Against the backdrop of a mainland pandemic known as the Malichor sickness, De Sardet and Constantin seek a cure while uncovering its origins and true nature on Teer Fradee.

The narrative culminates in two divergent paths, allowing players to decide the fate of Constantin and shape GreedFall's ending. Players could ascend to godlike status alongside Constantin, inheriting the mystical power of Teer Fradee's guardians. Alternatively, they could eliminate Constantin, freeing the island from his influence at great personal cost. Both endings provided definitive closure to the characters' stories.

The Potential Return of Constantin in GreedFall 2

GreedFall 2 faces the challenge of incorporating established lore and events from the original game while maintaining coherence. However, given its prequel status, there's room for characters like De Sardet and Constantin to play a role, albeit potentially in the background.

The sequel sees players assuming the role of a native of Teer Fradee thrust into the continental capital of Gacane, home to the Congregation and other pivotal factions. This setting allows for exploration of the onset of the Malichor disease and its impact on the world preceding the events of the first game. A brief cameo or minor interactions with Constantin could serve to bridge the two games without disrupting continuity.

Alternatively, The Dying World may choose to focus more prominently on Constantin, though careful execution is crucial to avoid narrative inconsistencies. Nonetheless, Constantin's complexity as a character leaves room for further development in the sequel, potentially strengthening the connection between the two titles.